I met Sonja while she was a sales associate in a wonderful boutique. It was there I began my appreciation for Sonja’s impeccable eye for fashion and no nonsense, honest and trusting style of professional salesmanship.
Most recently, I was in the process of getting ready for a move to another state to accept a new professional position. I contacted Sonja with four very specific visions of work I needed completed:
1. Purge closet of unneeded items
2. Organize remains
3. Create new outfits with existing/remaining clothes
4. Select a limited amount of clothes/outfits that will see me through for a couple of months (All of my clothes would not be moved until my house sold.)
She accepted the assignment with enthusiasm, met my tight timeline of scheduling our time together and the result was exceptional. We spent about 10 hours together and it was some of the best money I ever spent. Trust me when I say, high value for dollars spent.
During the time together, I gained a greater appreciation for Sonja’s ability to coach on fashion tips and simplify how to take your style to a higher level. She has a great eye for retaining those essentials that are still worth keeping and those that are past their prime. She sorted consignment items, incorporating two different stores, knowing what each one would take. She further added value and support to my time management, by taking the clothes to the stores, provided a detailed inventory of what items ended up where and what I might expect in return dollars. She went one step further and took the charitable items to find a home for them.
Another quality worth mentioning is Sonja’s ability to linger with you when you have the time to do so or being sensitive to time schedules and executing quickly. She went three steps further by shopping and selecting of a few essentials that I needed, along with bringing me a selection of jewelry to choose from and a few other accessory items.
I would absolutely, with out hesitation recommend Sonja to ease the pain of whatever clothing and closet ailments you might be suffering from. She is up to the job, not matter how big or small; a true professional and an absolute delight to work with!
– Janine M.
Sonja Motley has been in the fashion business most of her life, and as a result has an informed and educated eye for what works and what doesn’t on any kind of body,male or female. She’s also been a close friend for nearly thirty years, and I’ve shopped with her a hundred times. Yesterday she came over and worked her magic in my wardrobe. After clearing out eight (yes, eight) wardrobes, I had several priceless designer orphans- you know the type- jackets or skirts that are nearly impossible to make into workable outfits. These are Dior, Pilotto, Katrantzou- the kinds of pieces that cost thousands, not hundreds, but they have sat untouched for months and years.
Within a matter of minutes, Sonja eyed my impossibles, nailed the problem, and made perfect suggestions which not only made sense but also were workable across multiple pieces which saves me money and trouble. They fit my body style, my work needs, budget, and habits. She prowled my jewelry collection, captured workable pieces to pull outfits together. She drills down to whether an earring needs to be faceted, cloudy, clear, tropical. That kind of minutiae. That’s what real professionalism looks like.
In one hour, Sonja saved me thousands. How? When we get gorgeous orphans we don’t wear, we end up selling them on consignment for pennies or giving them away at a massive loss. By giving me smart options, which I was able to find quickly online through designer websites (copied Sonja and she approved right away) I have my wardrobe fixes on their way in a few days. For a fraction of what I thought I might have to spend. That’s a good investment.
She has recently expanded into men’s wear, to the delight of a great deal of fashion smart executives in the Denver area. Her excellent eye for what compliments, what flatters, hides and makes the most of a man from office to casual Friday just got added to her repertoire this past year. For my part, I’m very glad I can still call on her extraordinary high end fashion knowledge and expertise, her extensive knowledge of stores and offerings in this area and online.
When we want someone to go through our closet and advise us, having someone with deep knowledge of not only fashion but also color, flow, line, current trends, body types, tastes, what’s runway and what’s functional, business vs. casual, how to mix and match colors/fabrics/patterns, you don’t give this to a rookie. Sonja has an innate understanding of image, grace, style, impression, and how clothing expresses our uniqueness. She’s one of a kind.
– Julia H.

I adore working with Sonja! She understands my style and helps me look the way I want to look… but better! My wardrobe has to support everything from my high-profile career all the way to soccer mom, and it does thanks to Sonja! She won’t let me buy anything that isn’t perfect. She also knows how to find great quality for a great price, and is great at dressing me for my career needs and body type.
I’ve had her build my wardrobe from ground zero, pack for travel, and shop to fresh up my closet. She can do it all. You can’t go wrong. In my opinion, she’s the best of the best.
– Shauna A.
Sonja is an incredible fashion consultant. She listens really well, understands the overall look and aesthetic of her clients, and also work within their budgets. I personally don’t keep up with the latest trends to my wardrobe tends to get pretty dated. Sonja helps with all of that – great eye toward fashion trends that she can marry with your personal tastes to update and refresh your look! Highly recommend!
– Brandon H.

Sonja is an absolute god-send. I needed to clean out my childhood closet that was stuffed with 20 years worth of clutter, and she helped me do it in one day. Sonja was so incredibly helpful, patient, and hard-working. On top of that, she has amazing style and a really great, honed eye for what looks good on every body type, every personality, and she is keen to help you make the right style and fashion choices for you. It was honestly one of the best decisions I’ve made hiring her!
– Alex V.
Sonja is outstanding! Her eye and expertise on colors, styles, fabrics, and what works for me (and what I needed to let go of) was spot-on. She is very gentle in her guidance and understanding, and great at explaining why something works or doesn’t. Plus she has a great personality so the experience overall was fantastic. I highly recommend.
– Lee S.
Sonja Motley 720.217.4487 itssonisday@gmail.com